مدار الليل والنهار
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كواليس السينما
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عرب بوينت بودكاست
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مدار الليل والنهار
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مدار الليل والنهار
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لبنان والعالم
البرنامج الصباحي
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المقهى الثقافي
الحوار مع د.عيسى حجاج الذي قام بإنشاء متحف للفلوكلور والتراث الفلسطيني
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من الملعب
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صدى الحياة
مقترح مرتبط بــ"الطلاق" يثير الجدل في مصر
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مرايا العلوم
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شؤون عسكرية
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ع الموجة مع ايلي
البرنامج المسائي
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183 د
بث مباشر
 - سبوتنيك عربي
تابع آخر الأخبار عن القضايا الاجتماعية والفعاليات الثقافية في دول الوطن العربي والعالم. تعرف على آخر أخبار المجتمع، قصص إنسانية، وتقارير مصورة عن حياة المجتمع.

داعية مشهور للنظام الغذائي النباتي يتحول إلى "سفاح" حيوانات... صور

تابعنا عبر
تحول أحد أشهر الدعاة لاتباع النظام الغذائي النباتي إلى قاتل للحيوانات، بعد أن قرأ كتابا عن الفوائد الصحية للحوم.

ووفقا لما نشرته صحيفة "نيويورك بوست"، كان دانيل فيتاليز صاحب الـ42 عاما، يرفض تناول اللحوم منذ الصغر، حتى بات داعية مشهور لاتباع نظام الغذاء النباتي.

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Farmer John has a problem. Wildlife is constantly damaging his crops, infrastructure, and equipment. This woodchuck (Marmota monax) had excavated a burrow under his barn, threatening to collapse parts of his foundation. She’ll get eaten — well-prepared groundhog makes a surprisingly delicious meal. Late last summer I was tasked with taking a few deer and turkeys off this property, filling nuisance tags issued — very judiciously — by the local warden. Deer would move through the pumpkin patch at night taking a few bites from each gourd before moving on to the next. Daybreak revealed long rows of partially eaten pumpkins, like poorly-rendered jack-o’-lanterns rotting in the sun. Rows of corn were stripped of their ears, kernel-less cobs littering the ground; husks — their spent wrappers — scattered about. The animals I took then were an appreciated supplement to the ones I’d harvested during the hunting season, providing us with dozens of extra meals. It’s easy for folks who oppose hunting to resist the idea of harvesting “nuisance” animals, however, the diets of nearly everyone who opposes hunting comes from farms — a great many of which must contend with depredation. Even those who choose not to eat meat must wrestle with this fact. Animals are killed and their natural habitat is lost due to the farming which supplies our markets with plant foods. Too much crop depredation makes farming economically unfeasible and that undermines our food supply. For me though, harvesting “nuisance” animals from farms like this represent an opportunity. I can help the farmer by removing a vexing problem and he in return provides me with wild meat. There’s so much nuance. Everyone must eat. The wildlife that feeds here, the people who buy the farm’s produce, and me who harvests the wildlife that eats the produce that the farm is growing. Nothing is simple in the web of life. #RatherHuntGather #WildFed

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وفي عام 2014، قرأ فيتاليز كتابا عن الفوائد الصحية للحوم، ليبدأ الاهتمام بأسلوب حياة الصيادين.

وأصبح فيتاليز يروج لكيفية قتل الحيوانات وصيد الأسماك وطبخ اللحوم، وبدأ ينشر عبر حسابه على "إنستغرام" صور الحيوانات التي قتلها ومراحل طبخها وتحضيرها للأكل.

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Maine has issued an unprecedented number of lottery-based whitetail (Odocoileus virginianus) “any deer” permits this year, stating public concerns about deer being a vector for the transmission of Lyme Disease, as well as the need to reduce vehicular collisions with these beautiful animals. Normally, and with just a few exceptions for archers, Maine hunters are allowed to harvest only one deer per season and that must be an antlered buck. An “any deer” tag allows you to take an antlerless buck or doe and is an important herd management tool for State wildlife biologists. It’s also a great opportunity for newer hunters like myself to more reliably add venison to our freezers. Being the recipient of one of this season's antlerless tags, I harvested this young deer — a button buck — who probably only weighed about 80lbs dressed. Having had — from a meat perspective — some considerable success harvesting a couple mature deer on nuisance tags earlier this year, my freezers are well stocked so I’m thinking of dedicating this animal to the feasts of the coming holiday season. As friends and family savor the flavor and tenderness of this yearling buck we’ll tell his story and his life will be honored and appreciated. Right now he’s hanging in my garage to age and tenderize through enzymatic activity in the cool November air. I’ll leave him there a couple of weeks before breaking him down into primal cuts. While we have many excellent hunting opportunities in Maine, with mammals ranging in size from squirrels to bears, and birds from woodcock on up to our wild turkeys, it’s venison that usually forms the backbone of a #WildFed diet. It’s on our table several nights per week, and each time we are able to think back to the specific animal we are eating, and the story of that hunt. In a culture so engrossed in technology and removed from its place in the food web, it’s one of the ways we are reminded of our need for the natural world. #RatherHuntGather

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وأوضحت الصحيفة أن منزل فيتاليز بات مملوءا بالأسلحة، ومكتظا بجماجم الحيوانات التي اصطادها.

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